What email address do I use to sign in to the gallery?
Use your own personal email address.
What’s a class composite?
Composites are like a mini yearbook page: each child’s name and photo appears on a single sheet with their classmates.
How do I get my digital files?
After you check out, you’ll receive a download link by email for the images you ordered. This link is only active for 7 days, please ensure you download and back up your images somewhere safe. There is an unarchiving fee applicable to resending image downloads 3 months or more past your school’s original ordering deadline.
I’m locked out of my gallery, what do I do?
If you’ve entered an incorrect gallery password too many times, you will be locked out. This is a gallery safety mechanism to combat unauthorized access. Clear your browser cookies or cache and try again in a new tab. Passwords are CaSe sEnSiTiVE, please ensure you are using correct capitalization and spacing (if applicable). If you are still having trouble, contact the studio for help.