This little ham’s mummy brought him in for his first Baby Steps Milestones Session with me when he was sitting, rolling and starting to crawl. It seemed like he was moving faster as his session went on. I’m pretty sure he was a pro crawler by the time we wrapped up his session. Spencer is a charmer, always full of grins and trying to chew on everything (getting new teeth is tough!). Mum brought in lots of fun outfits for him to wear, I barely needed to dip into my own stash of baby boy outfits.
This age is one of my favourite to photograph — they’re so in awe of everything around them, they are full of social smiles and can’t quite run away from you yet. I don’t count rolling or crawling as running away.
I think Spencer is going to continue to be quite the little comedian as he grows up. And he’s going to keep his mama busy, always chasing after him!
One of my all-time favourite pictures is Spencer with his mama at the bottom of this blog post. I love the combination of her colourful tattoos with Spencer’s almost permanent grin. I can still feel his mama’s connection with him when I look at that picture.
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